Housing – Chores- Maintenance

​Youth help with chores and maintenance

Lauren Addison 505-603-5952 ​https://www.chbc.online/

Crow Hill Bible Church youth group is a program where adults mentor youth for service projects. The youth are supervised/guided by an adult mentor from the church. Chores may include: shoveling snow, stacking firewood, carrying in firewood, helping with laundry, minor indoor home repairs, minor outdoor yard repairs (fencing, pet set up, etc.), moving furniture, caring for pets, walking pets, clearing fire hazards such as pine needles, slash, cleaning gutters, carrying in groceries, decorating for holidays (like installing Christmas lights, etc.), light handyman work, etc. And they are open to other needs and suggestions as well.


Other Resources

Park County Department of Human Resources, Susan Walton Director: Information about Public Assistance Programs, including Medicaid, Colorado Works/TANF, Adult Financial, Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). https://parkco.us/397/Public-Assistance-Programs

​Mountain Resource Center: 303-838-7552. 11030 Kitty Dr., Conifer CO 80433. Community Support Services provide family emergency assistance for rent/mortgage, food, clothing, utilities, case management, health insurance coverage assistance and disaster relief. www.mrcco.org

LEAP: 1-866-HEAT HELP or 1-866-432-8435. LEAP is a federally

funded program that helps eligible hardworking Colorado families, seniors, and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs.

​IREA: 720-733-5544. https://irea.coop/customer-tools/energy-audits/ Energy audits and energy saving tips.

​Platte Canyon Fire Protection District: 303-838-5853. Home smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

​Fire Adapted Bailey: Fire mitigation for property owners. www. fireadaptedbailey.org

​Colorado Housing Connects: 844-926-6632. www. coloradohousingconnects.org. Answers housing questions for aging in place, renters, homebuyers, seniors and disabled, landlords, and homeowners.

​Sunshine Homeshare: 303-915-8264. www.sunshinehomeshare.org. alison@sunshinehomeshare.org. Building connections to support independence in aging and affordable housing.

​Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.: 719-888-9134. Fax 719-374-4908. Katrina Brown, katrina@brothersredevelopment.org. www. brothersredevelopment.org. Housing, home maintenance & repair, housing counseling.

Veterans Affairs: 303-816-9498. Platte Canyon Fire Station #2, 153 Delwood Dr., PO Box 1193, Bailey, CO 80421. Park County Department of Human Services.

Jeremiah Pedrie, Veterans’ Service Officer, jpedrie@parkco.us, 719-838-0014 cell.

Veterans’ Advocate Joe Steadman, joe@mrcco.org, www.mrcco.org, 303-838-7552 ext. 1045, 11030 Kitty Dr., PO Box 425, Conifer, CO 80433.