Physical Health

Health and Wellness


  • Bailey Dental, Dr. Jared Smith: 303-838-2224. 17 County Road 68, Bailey, CO
  • Crow Hill Dental: 303-838-0311. 460 Co Rd. 43, Bailey, CO

Hearing Services 

  • Audiology at Peak Vista Community Health Centers, Colorado Springs and Divide: 719-344-7126. Age 60+. No cost for program. No income requirement. Hearing aids and repairs, hearing tests. For seniors in El Paso, Teller, and Park counties.
  • House Call Hearing: 720-785-0393. Pat Davis, Personalized in-home hearing testing, sales and service of many national brands. Decades of industry experience. Member of our local Chamber of Commerce and a 10-year Bailey resident. Referrals through the Senior’s Alliance of Park County qualify for a 20% discount on new hearing aids.


Nurse Lending Closet / Medical Equipment

  • Seniors Alliance of Platte Canyon: 720-385-8300. Durable medical equipment available to seniors in the Platte Canyon area for short-term events such as injury, surgery, or illness which require orthopedic support for a limited time. All are available free! Items include: canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and more.


  • Breath of Life: 970-409-2474. Oxygen concentrators and supplies.

Pet Care

  • Pet Peace of Mind: 503-363-0499. 503-348-4312. Diane McGill, 360-608-3210, Christy Bork. Will find care for pets of people hospitalized or unable to care for their pets, long-term and short-term.


  • VisioniSight Rehab: 719-229-8000, Provides assistive technology, orientation and mobility and vision rehab services, computer setup and instruction, consultations, one on one instruction, demonstrations, seminars for seniors.

Home Care

Home Care, Volunteer Services

  • Crow Hill Bible Church Youth Group: 303-303-838-2259. Lauren Addison. Supervised youth service projects for shoveling snow, stacking and carrying in firewood, laundry, etc.

Health Activities

  • Granite Fitness: 303-838-5690. 16 Mt Evans Blvd, #A, Pine, CO 80470
  • Marge E. Hudek Pool: 303-679-7457. Link to hours and schedule. Some fees apply. Accept Silver Sneakers. www.plattecanyonschools. org.
  • Link to Fall/Winter/Spring 2019-2020 hours and schedule
  • Link to pool and weight room fees
  • Seniors Alliance of Platte Canyon: Check our monthly calendar for: “ Morning Perk-Up”, “Games and Gab”, outdoor activities, Arts and Crafts and “It’s a Party!”,
  • “Steppin On” exercise class- improve your balance and core strength! Suspended due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Health Insurance

  • Medicaid (833) 626-9410.
  • Medicare official site:

Medicare Navigation

  • Lisa Asmussen: 303-887-8584. Integrity Insurance. Independent Licensed Broker (Humana)
  • Devani Ungewust: 719-352-9268. Humana Medicare
  • Medicare through 303-919-1020. Pat Frederiksen, Independent Agent representing several companies.

Medicaid Navigation

  • Rocky Mountain Rural Health: 719-836-2169. Email

Health Care

  • Rocky Mountain Rural Health (RMRH): 719-836-2169. 525 Hathaway St., Fairplay, CO Barbie McBee, Director. Rocky Mt. Rural Health’s mission is to improve the physical and mental health of ALL Park County residents. We tackle this by assisting residents to navigate the complex medical system from finding providers to dealing with complex medical billing issues. We provide education and training in Mental Health First Aide, Advanced Care Planning, and assistance with purchasing health insurance through the Connect for Health web site. RMRH offers assistance with mileage reimbursement for medical appointments, providers assistance with applications for prescription assistance and apply for personal grants. ALL SERVICES ARE FREE TO THE RESIDENTS OF PARK COUNTY.
  • Veterans Affairs: 303-816-9498. Platte Canyon Fire Station #2, 153 Delwood Dr., PO Box 1193, Bailey, CO 80421. Park County
  • Jeremiah Pedrie, Veterans’ Service Officer,, 719-838-0014 cell.
  • Veterans’ Advocate Joe Steadman,,, 303-838-7552 ext. 2 11030 Kitty Dr., PO Box 425, Conifer, CO 80433.
  • Park County Health Department: 303-816-5970. FAX: 303-816-597. Bailey Office: 59865 Hwy 285, P.O. Box 1194, Bailey, CO 80421 www.
  • St. Anthony Health Center Evergreen/ Centura Health: 303- 679-2020. FAX: 303-679-2046. 32214 Ellingwood Trail, Suite 210, Evergreen, CO. Offers Adult Primary, Pediatric Primary, Preventive Care, Sports Medicine. *Accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most major insurances.
  • Conifer Medical Center: 303-838-3355. 26659 Pleasant Park Rd., Conifer, CO 80433. *Check if accepting new patients.
  • Envida Home Health and Transportation: Envida Home 719-301- 6870. Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Envida Moves 719-633-4677. Open Mon-Fri 7am-6pm.